Growing at home: Health and safety concerns for personal cannabis cultivation
Angela Eykelbosh, PhD
Leela Steiner, PhD
This presentation is based on an NCCEH Evidence Review titled Growing at home: Health and safety concerns for personal cannabis cultivation, which you can access here. A two page factsheet was also developed which is available here.
Multiple versions of this presentation were given between May 2018 and March 2019 to various stakeholder groups including: CIPHI National, CIPHI Manitoba, CIPHI Ontario, First Nations Health Authority (Environmental Public Health Services), First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Nova Scotia Health Authority, Alberta Health Services (Safe Healthy Environments), BC Lung, the Canadian Public Health Association, and UBC’s School of Population and Public Health. While individual presentations were tailored to each group, this slide deck has been developed to represent a generalized version that contains the key content presented to each group.
Les points de vue et opinions exprimés dans les webinaires ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux du CCNSE ou de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada.