Lead exposure contributes to cognitive impairments, behavioral problems and lowered IQ. While there is no safe level of lead exposure, lead can be found in dust in our homes, air, soil, and drinking water. Lead service lines are the largest source of lead in drinking water - with an estimated 6-10 million lead service lines bringing water to taps across the U.S. Following the tragedy in Flint, Michigan, a diverse group of 25 national organization formed the Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative, organized around the goal of accelerating full lead service line replacement in communities across the nation.
Join us for a discussion focusing on lead service line replacement within the broader context of tackling all sources of lead. The event will address the health risk of lead service lines, the role of public health professionals in the replacement process and the importance of effective partnerships between public health agencies and water utilities to develop and implement creative solutions. We will provide public health professionals with practical tools to tackle the problem in their own community.