Spatially exploring COVID-19 risks in BC’s neighbourhoods
Valorie Crooks, PhD
Leah Rosenkrantz, PhD
The risk of contracting coronavirus varies among people and places, making some British Columbians more likely to be exposed to COVID-19 than others, due to socio-economic factors, occupational hazards, personal behaviours or other factors that are amplified in places characterised by increased risk of transmission. To better understand this, we developed a vulnerability model to identify differences in COVID-19 risks across neighbourhoods, visualized in a series of maps on a public-facing dashboard that indicate where to focus policy and public health efforts. In this presentation we discuss how we worked with patient partners and some of the actions that have been informed by our maps.
Dr. Valorie Crooks, Professor, Simon Fraser University
Leah Rosenkrantz, EH & KT Scientist, NCCEH
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