Cannabis edibles: Regulatory updates, risk assessment and public health messaging
Keith Warriner, PhD
The NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-person or online.
Presenter: Keith Warriner, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph
The next chapter in marijuana legalization is the introduction of commercially produced edibles with the first legal products expected to be on the shelves next month. The regulations appear restrictive and the types of edibles to be available remain obscure. However, there exists a gray market where a diverse range of edibles are available with a trend of domestically produced edibles set to become increasingly popular.
In the following presentation an overview of a foundation risk assessment will be provided. This will include risk identification (biological, physical and chemical), risk characterization, risk management options and risk communication strategies. With regards to the latter, the results of an assessment of public health messaging from State committees within the United States. It will be shown how transparency, inclusion of users/stake holders and committee structure are important aspects when delivering public health advisors.
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